Ap prolapsed disc, which is also known as a slipped disc or more commonly as a herniated disc is a back deformity. A herniated disc is often the cause for severe lower back pain. The spinal disc does not actually slip out, but it presses on nerves and that causes irritation and pain. In rare cases the pressure on the nerve may cause pain and other symptoms in the leg. A prolapsed disc most commonly develops in a person that is between 30 and 50 years old.
Prolapsed Disc
The spine is made up of many bones called vertebrae. Each vertebra is separated by a disc. The disc is made of a rubbery material which gives the spine its flexibility. This structure is responsible for housing and protecting the spinal cord and the nerves that are connected to the brain.
Many times, because of external pressure and other variables the spine deforms. This may be due to certain work conditions or exercises, or it may simply be a natural occurrence. The spine can get shortened, its shape can change, it may become misaligned, and in the case of a prolapsed disc the discs can budge out, pinching the nervous system.
Risk Factors
Some of these risk factors have been identified for prolapsed discs. However, these may not hold true for all.
- Lifting a lot of heavy weights (as a sport or for work)
- Sitting for a long time (such as working at a desk of working in a job that involves frequent and long-distance driving)
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Age
- Back Pain is one of the main symptoms. The pain comes suddenly and is eased by lying back. Movement, coughing or sneezing worsens the condition.
- Sciatica is another symptom. This pain is not felt in the back, but it is felt in the leg. The reason being that the disc applies pressure on the nerve root. Pain caused by sciatica can vary from mild to severe. This pain is often described as a burning feeling or sensation.
- Nerve Root Pain is also experienced by people suffering from prolapsed discs. While sciatica is caused by the pinching of the sciatic nerve, other nerves may also be affected. This causes symptoms like pins and needles or numbness in a leg, foot or buttock. The region that is being affected varies depending on the nerves that have been affected.
Backrack Lumbar Support Technology
The Backrack Lumbar Support Belt provides crucial support to
your lower back (lumbar spine) and deals with the core problem rather than the
The belt is equipped with wooden nodules which massage your back
while you are on the move. The movement in addition to the nodules help
decompress the spine and aligns the spine in its natural shape. This helps put
any lumbar herniated disc back into its proper position.
You won’t have to take
time out of your day for a better back. Just wear it while going on with your
day. And don’t worry, you can adjust the brace to fit your body snugly.
The Backrack belt is a medical support brace developed to deal with back pain and to help heal the back from deformities. This belt works on many back conditions. In time, wearing a back brace also helps improve your posture. It was created from the specialists of Harley Street, renowned for their work in the medical field.
Other belts do nothing more than provide support, while the Backrack belt treats your problem as it works on the cause of pain and helps your back get in a healthy position again.
If you’re not sure whether the belt is suitable for you, seek medical advice.
The belt can also be used in conjunction with physical therapy.
Author: Spinal Backrack