Category: Hip Pain

Hip Pain

What is the Number One Cause of Hip Pain?

There are many different causes of hip pain, but one of the most common is osteoarthritis, followed by spinal conditions of the lower back that cause pain which spreads down the hips, such as sciatica.

Hip Pain

SI Joint Pain Relief Methods

In many cases, SI joint pain can be alleviated through a variety of non-surgical methods which include both formal treatments and self-help or home remedies.


Lower back and hip pain exercises you can do at home

Provided that you pain in this region isn’t caused by anything serious, exercises are some of the best approaches to help speed up recovery, as they are non-invasive and offer multiple benefits. Needless to say, exercises can be tailored to the sufferer’s need and can be performed at a pace that is comfortable for the person.

lower back and hip pain
Hip Pain

Can sciatica lead to lower back and hip pain?

Nerve compression syndrome in the back occurs when a nerve that passes through the spinal column becomes trapped due to conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs and poor posture.

Hip Pain

What to do if you suffer from hip pain

Hip pain can occur due to a variety of reasons. Among them are age, arthritis, bursitis, fractures and injury at the level of muscles, tendons or soft tissue.

What To Do For Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the most common health problems in the world and it is a major cause of disabilities. It affects the

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