How do I use it?
To begin with, the rack should be placed on a sturdy surface – such as the floor – to ensure it remains stable for the duration of use.
Then, patients should lie on the rack as relaxed as possible in a basic central position, with knees bent (as shown, and mentioned earlier).
Achieving this position is actually very easy. For more details, please refer to our section on ‘Getting On and Off’.
Once in the Starting Position (shown above), patients are encouraged to perform a series of exercises. They vary depending on the condition that you suffer from and that you are trying to treat. These exercises have been carefully developed from a long experience to mobilise the facet joints of the spine and to reduce as required, back, neck, and hip pain.
If you are in any doubt as to whether the Backrack™ is appropriate for you, please consult your doctor.
When you first lie on the Backrack™, you may have a stiff spine back pain/spasms, because your spine is not accustomed to the pressure. There are no side effects to using the device, but your spine will react to the upward force of the nodules. However, your symptoms should certainly improve over the space of about 5 days. You may feel sore the first few days.
In view of this predictable (and necessary) response, the spine needs to be decompressed in stages. To begin with, a low-moderate pressure will be sufficient to lengthen the spine (and provoke a reaction). However, as your spine adapts to the Backrack™, you will need to increase the pressure, using more advanced techniques.
For this reason, we have designed a comprehensive range of movements, designed to increase the pressure in stages.
The Basic Exercises decompress the spine using low-moderate pressure. They are suitable for everyone barring a few exceptions, or Contraindications.
The Advanced Exercises will decompress the spine using moderate-high pressure (two of them will also help to strengthen the deep, stabilising muscles that support the spine). The Advanced Exercises should not be attempted until you are comfortable with the basic manoeuvres.