Is you Back giving you a Headache?

How many hours do we sit at computers these days? Most people probably spend more than 8 hours arched over their desks, staring at screens on laptops and smartphone. Much of this behaviour may affect more than just our posture and it is giving us all back and neck pain, and on top of that many of us may experience headaches or migraines.


The type of headache that results due to back issues is called cervicogenic headaches and is linked to the cervical region of the spine, which in more common terms, corresponds to the neck. Different conditions can trigger this type of pain, including:

  • Degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis.
  • A prolapsed disc in the neck.
  • A fall or injury that affects the cervical spine.
  • Falling asleep in an awkward position (such as with your head too far to the front or back, or off to one side).
  • A compressed or pinched nerve in or near the neck.
  • Poor posture while sitting or standing. It may affect people who work in certain fields or professions such as drivers, carpenters, hairstylists, or those who sit at a desk for long periods of time.

The latter may have you unknowingly push your chin forward while hunching over your desk, which moves your head out in front of your body. Sitting or standing in this position for long periods of time can put pressure or stress on the neck and base of the skull, triggering pain (including chronic pain), headaches or migraines.

Postural problems can have an especially negative impact on a person’s spinal health as they often cause concomitant low back pain with neck pain. In this case, the pain results due to the increased stress that is placed on these two regions of the spine in particular as we slouch.

Needless to say, maintaining bad posture for long periods of time can cause our spine to become compressed, and in turn lead to more problems with not only our spine, but our entire body.


Most (if not all) back pain cases are caused by bone deformity directly linked to compression, which causes your spine to become squashed or shortened from its natural length.

If spinal issues are the reason behind your headache or migraine, dealing with those spinal issues shall make headache symptoms vanish.

One of the best ways to address cervicogenic headaches is to use a spinal decompression device, such as the Backrack, to decompress your (cervical) spine.

Spinal Backrack Decompression Device for Headache Relief

The Backrack is an orthopaedic device that safely and effectively decompresses your spine, providing long-term pain relief and prevention from headaches and back pain caused by spinal problems. Given its design, it targets the entire length of the spine, ensuring all painful areas are relieved from pain. It is 100% natural, comfortable, and free of side-effects. Thousands of people have already seen its benefits, so why not be one of them?

Why is spinal decompression beneficial for headache relief?

The Spinal Backrack System works directly on the cause of back pain by decompressing your spine. By treating the cause rather than just the symptoms, you can banish back pain as well as headaches – for good. As it works on the entire spine, it can address two types of spinal issues that may cause headaches, chronic headaches, or even migraines and chronic tension type headaches.

First, it can address more local triggers, such as those that occur in the cervical spine.

Secondly, it can target triggers located in other parts of the spine that may be causing referred pain that manifests at the level of the head.

Please note: if your pain persists, get worse, or other symptoms such as fever or chills appear, seek medical advice and help from a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

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