Category: Lower back pain

Bulging/Herniated disc

Safe Activities for L5-S1 Pain Sufferers

Find out what activities are safe for L5-S1 pain sufferers to engage in. Staying active even with spinal issues is important to maintain or even improve spine health.

Lower back pain

Best Exercises for Lordosis Correction

Correcting posture and reducing pain from an exaggerated lordotic curve can be done with the help of exercises that target the affected region of the back.

Lower back pain

Lumbar Spondylosis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Lumbar spondylosis, also known as osteoarthritis of the spine or degenerative disc disease, is a painful condition affecting the lower back. It refers to the gradual deterioration of spinal structures.

Lower back pain

Best Practices for Lordosis Sufferers

Some of the best practices for lordosis sufferers include stretching exercises, wearing supportive shoes as well as correcting one’s posture with a specific group exercises.

L5-S1 Disc Degeneration
Bulging/Herniated disc

What activities to avoid with L5-S1 disc problems

Some activities to avoid with L5-S1 disc problems include lifting heavy objects, engaging in high impact activities such as sports, as well as maintaining poor posture for long periods of time.

Lower back pain

What Conditions Can Be Mistaken for Sciatica?

There are certain conditions that can be mistaken for sciatica as they tend to present similar symptoms. However, most of these conditions can be treated effectively in a natural way.

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