Lumbar Spine Problems and Backrack Exercise

One of the most common reasons for a doctor visit is back pain. It is estimated that about fifty percent of adults experience back pain each year.

Lower back pain can be especially disabling as it affects the lower part of the spine, and therefore the balance and stability of the upper body as a result.

Oftentimes the treatment for problems in the lower back is more straightforward but may depend on the condition that affects the spine, as well as its severity.

Below we will be discussing the main problems and conditions that may affect the lower back and lead to pain, as well as how they can be addressed.

Backrack Spine Therapy

What problems lead to pain in the lower back?

Due to the pressure that the spine sustains during a lifetime, it is prone to developing various afflictions that cause symptoms such as nerve pain including back and neck pain, as well as numbness, weakness, and stiffness, along with other symptoms.

The spine is subject to a process of wear and tear as a natural part of aging.

Some of the more common spine problems that can affect the lower back include:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Bone spurs
  • Cauda equina syndrome
  • Degeneration of the facet joints
  • Injury to the spinal column
  • Intervertebral disc problems, including disc herniation, degenerative disc disease and prolapsed discs.
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis (lumbar stenosis), which is represented by the narrowing of the spinal canal in the lumbar region of the spine
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal compression (compression of the lumbar vertebrae) that leads to the compression of the spinal cord and/or the nerve roots attached to it
  • Spinal deformities such as scoliosis and kyphosis
  • Spondylolisthesis

This list is not exhaustive as there may be other common causes and uncommon causes that lead to low back pain or other problems.

What symptoms are associated with lower back problems?

In a lot of cases, none of these problems cause any symptoms, or if they do, they may not be intense enough and may go by unnoticed. However, for those who experience symptoms, pain in the lumbar region is the main indicative sign that there may be a problem with the spine.

The pain can occur locally in the lower back, or it can be referred to a different part of the body, such as in the legs, upper back, shoulder, neck, or arms. Sometimes it may even manifest itself as a headache.

In addition to pain, some people may also experience stiffness, numbness, weakness, or spinal instability in their lumbar region. In more extreme cases, people may experience a loss in their ability to control their bladder or their bowels.


Diagnosing the source of your back problems is a recommended first step to take, if you are not sure what exactly led to the set of symptoms you suffer from. The cause of your symptoms may also influence the type of treatment you receive.

In order to obtain a diagnosis, a physical examination will be first carried out, where a specialist will examine the local region where the symptoms are felt, and also ask relevant questions about your medical history to help determine the cause of your symptoms.

Additional tests, such as CT scans or MRI scans may be necessary to help with the diagnosis.

What are the treatment options for lower back pain?

Conventional treatment modalities for pain in the lower back typically include any of the following:

  • Anti inflammatory medication to temporarily relieve the pain. It must be mentioned that this is more a way to manage the pain, rather than a way to treat it.
  • Physical therapy. It can help remobilise the spine, but may be costly, especially if it requires several sessions.
  • Back surgery, such as spinal fusion, which is often used as a last resort when more conservative treatment options have failed to produce the desired results.

An alternative treatment option is to try a spinal decompression device, such as the Spinal Backrack, and perform spinal decompression exercises to treat the cause of your back problems.

backrack decompression device remastered

What is the Backrack Spinal Decompression Device? - A non-invasive back pain treatment

To help deal with back pain the best minds of Harley Street have come together to develop the Backrack. Based on patented technology, the Backrack is the solution for most back problems. It is already being used by many therapists and medical professionals to help people with back pain.

Since many spine related problems are caused by spinal compression, the Backrack can help your spine heal through spinal decompression therapy, where the original space between the vertebrae is restored, freeing any entrapped spinal nerves in the process.

What this implies is the performance of sets of specially-curated exercises that are meant to target the lumbar region of the spine, and address the core of the problem.

Although the Backrack can be used to perform exercises that are specific to each region of the back, it is a holistic treatment modality that works on all three major regions of the spine and is versatile in treating various conditions as a result.

The Backrack excels at spinal decompression, spinal re-alignment and more. Some of the conditions the Backrack can help you with are:

  • Sciatica
  • Bulging/Herniated Disc
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Prolapsed Discs
  • Others

The Backrack is unique in its working and design. Mirroring the unique curvature of the spine your back will lay perfectly without much needed effort. It is a natural form of treatment that uses the weight of your own body to treat any misalignment in the spine.

The wooden nodules that are placed on each row help apply pressure specific points of your spine as you perform each exercise.

Using the Backrack is so simple that you can use it in the comfort of your own home without any supervision.

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