Post-Pregnancy Back Pain – How to Relieve It

How to get relief from post-pregnancy back pain

We all know that having a baby has wonderful benefits (aside from lack of sleep!) and during the carrying stage the mother experiences extra pressure on the spine due to the baby load and extra weight.

However, not many discuss the postpartum back pain issues that come from carrying a baby about, sleeping badly and breastfeeding, and sometimes this back pain can last even for months after delivery. In some cases, those who experience back pain during pregnancy may find that the pain continues even after giving birth.

If you experience pain after giving birth (and especially postpartum low back pain), there are a few points to consider:

  • Stand – and sit – up straight to help re-train your spine to stand in the correct position again.
  • Pay attention to your body position when feeding your baby, whether it is nursing or bottle-feeding. Choose a comfortable chair with armrests and use lots of pillows to give extra support to your back and arms and also sufficient cushioning to avoid pressure on the lower back and tailbone pain.
  • If you’re breastfeeding, consider buying a breastfeeding pillow that goes around your middle. Also try using a footstool to keep your feet slightly raised off the floor.
  • Learn to position yourself properly while nursing, and always bring your baby to your breast, rather than the other way around.
  • Try different breastfeeding positions. If you have tense shoulders and upper back pain, the side-lying position may be most comfortable.
  • If you drive, adjust your car seat accordingly, so that your back rests in a comfortable position.
  • Always bend from your knees and pick up objects (and children) from a crouching position to minimise the stress on your back.
  • Let someone else do the heavy lifting, especially if you had a c-section.
  • Consider engaging in physical activity exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles and focus on working the rectus abdominis muscles if you suffer from diastasis recti.
  • Work with a physical therapist to strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles. Additionally, physical therapy can be beneficial for those suffering from posterior pelvic pain, as it teaches your how to avoid this kind of pain.

In addition to all these lifestyle adjustments, it is important to rest and allow your body to heal properly.

The main thing to remember is that you must look after yourself as you need to keep healthy for your little one. Painkillers should not be taken when breastfeeding, as they can transfer to the baby via milk and are not effective for back pain in any case (only masking the symptoms temporarily, not dealing with the causes.

Instead, you may want to try non-invasive and natural methods that relieve the pain safely and efficiently. One such solution is to use a special orthopaedic spinal decompression device, called the Backrack.

Back Pain Treatment

Backrack Spinal Decompression Technology

If your back pain persists for a long time after delivery, your spine may have become compressed due to the extra weight and pressure you had to bear during the pregnancy. A great solution in this case is to use the Backrack Spinal Decompression Device to remove that stress from your spine, so that your back feels relaxed and pain-free for a long-time.

The device is free of side-effects and as such it won’t affect you or your new baby in any way. More than that, it requires no supervision, and can be used at any that is most convenient for you.

As such, the best and safest way to get relief from back pain is spend 5-7 minutes a day on the Backrack at home. It gives you a break from caring for the baby and some well-deserved rest (for a few minutes at least!). Try doing it when your baby is asleep, and your general wellbeing will improve and give you strength to carry baby and get through the days without pain.

Please note: if your pain persists or doesn’t improve over time, with rest, or with any home remedies, you may want to seek medical advice from your doctor to obtain a diagnosis and treatment for your symptoms.

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