Lumbar Belt
A Revolutionary Technology!

Not just Back Support!
Our belt provides more than just lumbar support.
If you want to relieve pain and not just mask its symptoms, the Backrack™ Back Support Belt can help you.
Based on unique, patented Backrack™ technology, the lumbar support belt gives support and stability for your lower back and lumbar region and also helps you treat back pain while you’re on the move.
It does that through the wooden nodules that are inserted within the belt. They gently massage your lower back to decompress the spine, which in turn relieves back pain.
The belt thus reduces pressure on the spine, so that you can enjoy a pain-free active life.
And you know what the best part is? The effects of pain relief last a long time after taking off the lumbar support belt and that’s why the Backrack™ Back Support Belt is superior to other products. It is not just a prothesis, but a form of treatment!
Although there is a wide variety of treatments that are available, ranging from basic painkillers to highly expensive back braces or devices, the Backrack™ Back Support Belt provides long-term pain relief with no side effects.
Other osteopaths and chiropractors are already practicing different spinal manipulation therapies and recommend exercises, and yet the pain strikes back again sooner or later.
However, that is not the case with the Backrack™ Back Support Belt. Although you can see an improvement in your condition shortly after you start wearing the lumbar support belt, the improvements also last after you take off the belt and don’t return soon afterward.

To better understand how the belt works we want to give you a brief introduction of how your spine works, and more specifically the lumbar spine region.
The lumbar spine represents the lower part of your spine and consists of five vertebrae, situated between the pelvis and the ribs. When we talk about lower back pain, which the lumbar support belt provides help for, this is where the pain is located, and it is usually caused by bone deformity due to compression.
Spinal compression entails the presence of pressure within your spinal cord and can lead to swelling of the nerves inside.
This process is reversed by practicing spinal decompression with a device such as the Backrack™ Back Support Belt, which removes the pressure from your lumbar spine.
It naturally decompresses the lumbar joints of your spine to ensure maximum comfort and long-lasting pain relief. The belt relieves pain by directly massaging the spine and the muscles supporting it, targeting the pain at its core.
Additionally, the Backrack™ belt works as an external stabilizer for your lower back and lumbar region that helps you treat back pain while you’re on the move or decide to attend to day-to-day strenuous tasks.