SI Joint Pain Relief Methods

The bottom section of the spine ends with a portion of bone called the ‘sacrum’. On the left and right side, respectively, the sacrum joins the ilium bones, or pelvic bones, as they are more commonly known. The joints between these two bone structures, the sacrum and the ilium, are called sacroiliac joints.

Because they do not have a high range of movement, it can be quite challenging to live with the restrictions brought about by joint inflammation in this region.

Causes of SI Joint Pain

Possible causes for sacroiliac joint pain include:

  • Injury of one or both joints, due to instances such as a fall, or an accident that resulted in damage of the sacroiliac region of the spine.
  • Degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis of the spine, such as rheumatoid arthritis, resulting in arthritis pain.
  • Inflammatory disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Pregnancy, as this can place stress on the ligaments that join the sacrum and the ilium bones.
  • Obesity.

In some cases, the pain may also result due to joint infections or fractures.


The primary symptom is pain around the SI region of the back. This can extend to the hips and lumbar spine and can sometimes lead to leg pain, hip pain, or lower back pain. The pain can make sitting down or laying down on the pelvis quite difficult, and it tends to be worse when switching from a standing position to a sitting one or vice versa. It can also cause sleeping disturbances and lead to poor quality sleep. Stiffness and reduced range of motion can also be present.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief - Anatomy of the Sacrum and Ilium

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief Options

In many cases, pain in the affected joint can be alleviated through a variety of non-surgical methods which include formal treatments, pain management options and self-help or home remedies. That being said, some pain relief tips and options include:

  • Using a heat pack or an ice pack, either by alternating one and the other, or by choosing only one of them. A heat pack promotes blood flow and reduces the sensations of pain when applied locally, whereas an ice pack can help soothe inflammation.
  • Lifestyle adjustments that allow for as little pressure as possible to be placed on the painful joint. This includes ensuring that you have sufficient back support while sitting down or laying down or losing weight to reduce the amount of pressure that is placed upon the spine due to excess weight.
  • Using anti-inflammatory pain relievers or pain medications such as NSAIDs to relieve short-term pain. They are not recommended for long-term, chronic pain use, however.
  • Physical therapy and/or regular stretching to open up the joints and reduce any stiffness that may be present.
  • Using orthopaedic products that massage your spine in a way that the pain is not only relieved, but also prevented from returning. One such produce is the Spinal Backrack.

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