Tag: spinal decompression therapy

Spinal Decompression Devices
Spinal Decompression

Where to Get Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy can be defined as a treatment modality that stretches out your spine and reverses the process of spinal compression. There are two main categories of treatment: surgical spinal decompression and nonsurgical spinal decompression. The latter can be performed from the comfort of your own home by using a special orthopaedic device called the Spinal Backrack.

Relieve spine pain at home
Back pain

Spinal Compression Risk Factors & Prevention

Dealing with and managing back pain can become challenging and quite expensive. Most of the times you manage to deal with back pain only for it to come back. Because more often than not the symptoms are being treated and not the problem itself, which is spinal compression.

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