Low-Impact Exercises for a Compressed Spine
If you’re experiencing the discomfort of a compressed spine, finding suitable exercises to alleviate pain and improve mobility is crucial.
If you’re experiencing the discomfort of a compressed spine, finding suitable exercises to alleviate pain and improve mobility is crucial.
One of the best home treatments for spinal compression is to use the Backrack, as it is a natural way to stretch out and decompress your spine.
Walking can indeed be beneficial for a compressed spine. However, walking alone alone may not be enough to treat a compressed spine. It would help if you also considered other treatment options.
The three major back pain zones are the cervical spine, the thoracic spine and the lumbar spine, corresponding to the neck, mid back and lower back, respectively.
Spinal decompression therapy can be defined as a treatment modality that stretches out your spine and reverses the process of spinal compression. There are two main categories of treatment: surgical spinal decompression and nonsurgical spinal decompression. The latter can be performed from the comfort of your own home by using a special orthopaedic device called the Spinal Backrack.
Nerve compression syndrome in the back occurs when a nerve that passes through the spinal column becomes trapped due to conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs and poor posture.
Your spine can become compressed mostly due to a natural process of wear and tear, where the bone mass is being worn out by continuous movement.
A herniated disc, also called a slipped disc, occurs when one of the discs of the spinal column is injured and the inner portion of the disc protrudes through the outer ring of the disc.
Dealing with and managing back pain can become challenging and quite expensive. Most of the times you manage to deal with back pain only for it to come back. Because more often than not the symptoms are being treated and not the problem itself, which is spinal compression.
When your lower back vertebrae are out of alignment they can slide onto nearby structures, and can pinch nerves, leading to pain and other potential problems in the lower back.
Backrack is a therapeutic spinal care device to help you treat and prevent back pain like never before. It’s a safe, non-invasive back pain treatment.
Stress related neck and back pain can be treated by addressing the psychological stress that is causing the symptoms, as well as the physical stress that may be enhancing the pain.