Introduction to the Spinal Backrack Academy

Do you want to learn about the Spinal Backrack and help your patients relieve their pain?

Join us for a FREE open day where we will be discussing in detail the structure of the Level 1 Course dedicated to professionals.

Industry Leading Professional Development


About the Backrack Academy

The Spinal Backrack Academy is a comprehensive curriculum that offers training to various professionals that specialise in working with the human spine, either as osteopaths, sports coaches, gym trainers, Yoga and Pilates instructors, or other similar specialisations.It provides an innovative way to address your patients’ concerns regarding their spine problems related to pain, muscle stiffness, range of motion, and postural misalignment.

Workshop Structure

- 4 sessions per day, each lasting about 60 minutes each.

- During each session, our Master Trainer will teach how the Backrack can be incorporated into your business to help your patients achieve their spinal health goals in a manner that is simple, natural and highly effective.

- Brief presentation on spinal anatomy and functionality, and how the Backrack acts on the human spine.

- Learn how to assess the patient’s spinal condition in order to provide exercises that are tailored to their needs and levels of mobility. Who is eligible to attend?

Who is eligible to attend?

The event is open to anyone who specialises in one of the following fields:

- Spinal care practitioners

- Sports coaching

- Gym training

- Yoga Pilates

Available dates:

- 22nd of April 2023


1 hour per session




Salisbury Lifestyle Studio Glenmore Business Park, Unit 12, Churchfields Estate, Salisbury SP2 7GL


Please fill in the details in the fields below, choose a time slot that is suitable for you and click submit to receive a confirmation of your registration.

How does the Backrack Work?

Patients are instructed to lie on the rack, in a central position, with their knees bent.

As can be seen in the attached image, the Backrack™ mirrors the natural curvature of the spine. As a result, the back is fully supported: it rests in a neutral position.

Following, the patient is asked to perform a range of exercises that target a specific region of the back (where their issue occurs). These exercises are performed whilst lying down.

While performing these motions, the wooden nodules act as a massage tool and push up on one or both sides of the spine (depending on the exercise).

Because of their design, the nodules target the deep tissue of the back (both muscular and skeletal). In turn, this process lifts the individual vertebrae (as shown), causing them to pivot about the joints in the back.

The spinous process extends to the rear (it can be seen, and felt, just below the skin in the middle of the back): this sits, suspended in the central channel and bears no weight.

To give a different perspective on how the back is aligned on the device, in the lying down position, the spine is physically suspended on the central channel. To understand how this happens, consider a cross-section of an individual vertebra, sitting on the rack (as shown).

Now, each vertebra has several processes (thin units of bone that extend from the main section). The transverse processes extend from both sides of the vertebra: these sit on the wooden rollers.

The diagram below shows what happens from a side-view of the Backrack™:

The black square on the left-hand side is reproduced and then magnified, on the right-hand side to display how the nodules on the rack fit with the vertebrae.

The wooden rollers push up under the transverse processes. In turn, this lifts the individual vertebrae, causing them to pivot about the facet joints.

As a result of this, the joints are decompressed, and the spine lengthens. Joint mobility (and soft-tissue elasticity) increases; stiffness is therefore reduced.

Recall that up to 98% of all back pain is either caused by or directly linked to compression of the facet joints.

If we can decompress these joints, something which the Backrack™ does, we can treat the causes (and ultimately the symptoms) of back pain.

In addition to this, the pressure on the joints and the intervertebral discs is lowered. This lowers the risk of spinal Osteoarthritis and Bulging or Herniated discs, as well as other spinal disorders.
Finally, the pressure on the spinal nerves is reduced; this relief of pressure will treat symptoms such as acute local pain, Sciatica and Pins and Needles.

Given that the Backrack™ covers all three major areas of the spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbar – a variety of conditions can be addressed through therapy that uses this device.

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Do you have patients who are afraid to engage in any physical activity because it might strain their back and lead to pain?

Are your patients postural problems in the way of enjoying their lives to the fullest?

Wish you could understand how to treat widespread back problems such as sciatica, disc herniation, pinched nerves, and other conditions that cause pain?

Do you often see patients who are struggling with bending and twisting motions of their spine, or with overall spinal mobility?

Would you like to learn a way to help them regain their mobility and vitality?

Industry Leading Professional Development

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