Why is your back pain getting worse – Causes and Solutions

Back pain is one of the most prevalent issues in our modern world, and it can happen to anyone, irrespective of their occupation. For some people back time can appear either because they sit too much, or they stand too much, and their spine sustains prolonged pressure.

Back pain may affect any of the three main regions of the spine, namely the lumbar spine (lower back), thoracic spine (mid back) or cervical spine (neck). Because the neck is part of the spinal column, it can be classified as a spinal disorder.

Pain that occurs in the back is usually classified into one of the following categories:

1. Acute back pain

This type of pain tends to last for shorter periods of time (under 6 months), as compared to chronic back pain, and is usually caused by temporary factors, such as damage to the soft tissue, including injuries and muscle overuse.

Acute low back pain, or acute pain in the lower back tends to be one of the more common types of back pain, due to the anatomical structure of this section of the spine. Due to its positioning, the lower back tends to sustain increased pressure as it supports the upper body.

Although acute pain may last for only a short period of time, that does not necessarily mean that it is mild in intensity. More often than not, acute back pain may be sharp or stabbing in nature.

2. Chronic back pain

Chronic pain, in the back or in any other parts of the body, is pain that persists for a long period of time, beyond 6 months.

It is typically caused by underlying issues with the spine. Spinal disorders such as trapped nerve roots, sciatica, herniated disks, spinal stenosis, compression fractures, or issues with the spinal cord for example, may be some of the underlying causes that lead to long-term back pain.


Pain may occur by itself, or it may be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the cause of its onset as well as the source of the pain. Some such symptoms include:

  • Feelings of weakness, tingling or numbness in the back
  • Tenderness surrounding the affected region, as is the case with soft tissue injuries
  • Overall discomfort in the back
  • Stiffness and/or reduced range of movement in the spine

Why back pain gets worse for some people

Although in a lot of cases, especially for acute back pain, the symptoms tend to go away by themselves as time goes on, other people find that their pain is worsening. It may either increase in intensity, spread to other parts of the body, or become accompanied by other symptoms that were not previously present.

Some of the most common reasons why this happens include:

  • Engaging in activities that are damaging to your spine, despite already knowing or having a diagnosis on back issues.
  • Insufficient rest. When one’s back is injured, resting may be a good first step. By allowing your spine to not have to sustain physical stress for a short period of time, this will allow it to recover faster.
  • On the other hand, too much rest and not enough exercise may be to blame. Without enough physical activity, the muscles that support the back may become weaker and unable to hold the upper body in an upright position. In such cases, other structures of the spine may have to compensate for the lack of support from the back muscles, resulting in worsening pain.
  • Poor posture, that may be present either due to spinal disorders, weak muscles, or other causes. This includes having a bad posture either while sitting, standing or laying down (sleeping).
  • As time goes by, our overall health, including that of our spine, tends to decline. As a result, the pain may worsen.


If your back pain is worsening, it is recommended that you seek medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional to obtain a diagnosis and rule out the possibility of suffering from any severe spinal conditions. As part of the diagnosis process, you may first start with a physical examination, and in some cases may be required to undergo additional imaging tests, such as CT scans.

When it comes to treating back pain, approaches that focus on treating the cause, rather than the symptoms are recommended. The reasoning behind this is that if the cause of the symptoms is treated, then the symptoms shall subside as a result.

Additionally, it is imperative to take the appropriate measures as soon as possible. Timely action is recommended for preventing back pain from worsening.

That being said, management and treatment options for back pain include:

  • Physical therapy to help with spinal mobilisation and increase range of movement.
  • Muscle relaxants. These may help reduce pain by relaxing tight or stiff muscles.
  • Painkillers to temporarily relieve the pain, while engaging in other treatment methods that focus on treating the root cause of the pain.
  • Engaging in physical activities that help strengthen the core muscles and improve posture. As a caveat, one should exercise caution and not exert oneself to the point where exercising makes the pain worse.
  • Using an orthopaedic spinal decompression tool to reverse the process of spinal compression and free any trapped nerves. One such device is the Spinal Backrack.


Spinal Backrack Technology for Effective Pain Relief

The Spinal Backrack is a unique and innovative device that provides long-term back pain relief through exercises that are easy to do at home and use only your own body weight.

Through these exercises, it massages your back to relieve any tension or spinal compression that may be present.

And the best part is that it is absolutely free of side-effects, as it is 100% natural.

Thousands of people have already seen its benefits, so why not be one of them? Read more below.


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